Tuesday 13 December 2016


It’s funny how a picture can kindle different reactions from people; especially one that has a Christian sister wearing a Muslim attire.

That was the case of the picture attached to the first part of this post.

Another thing I deduced from my previous post… people do make “assumptions” based on what they see. Do they draw a conclusion? Well, I really can’t say.

I also realised that a lot of people don’t do the following….
1.    They don’t read posts they see on Social Media; especially when a picture is attached. They just comment, react to or like the picture and move on.
2.    They don’t ask the right questions, they either make assumptions or a one-sided conclusion.
3.    They still don’t understand the difference between REALITY and FICTION.

But I refuse to digress and make the aforementioned my business (FOR NOW), let’s conclude on the subject matter first and if I’m “LED” I will address them in subsequent posts.

Tunde and Sarah (both 15 years old) wanted to know if they could “DO” anything they wanted as Christians, hence the reason for the first post. Sarah was the one who asked, “Am I what I wear?” 
I hesitated for few seconds before I blurted out “No you can’t do anything you want as a Christian”. 

I couldn’t give a convincing answer to the issue of dressing because I have seen tongue-speaking sisters wear dresses that show off the thighs to church. “Shey that don collect the “skabashing” from them ni?” Translation: (Does it make them less Spiritual?) Hence the reason I asked the “JAMB Questions” in my first post.

All thanks to Holy Parcel, Francisca Victoria, Jumoke and, Victor, I was able to give not just “Chichi-based” responses. I was able to show my teenage friends comments from other people and the Bible references these individuals cited. (I’ve attached one and included some in the article).

While I was researching for the best answer to give them, I stumbled on something online and it reads, “What you wear and how you wear it is not half as important as why you wear it”. This is one of the premises I will be anchoring this discussion.

Have you or heard someone say, “This Sunday/Today ehn, I will show them. I am dressing to kill”.?

One begins to wonder, to kill who? Why should an individual or people be the reason we adorn ourselves in certain ways?

Would God desire that we dress to “Kill” anyone when He sent His Son to give us LIFE in abundance? 

And don’t you think I will be right if I said the idea of dressing to “Kill” is from the devil because it corroborates with his mission here on earth to KILL, STEAL and to DESTROY?

I understand the importance of looking good, but as a Christian, your person should be beyond your outward adornment. As a matter of fact, who you are should be reflected from the INSIDE-OUT. (1 PETER 3:3). You already are aware that it is “men” that concern themselves with the outward appearance, but God is more interested in who you are on the inside.

Nowadays, it is possible to see a well-dressed individual with a “worn-out/torn character” and a not-so-good-looking person with a pleasant character and attitude. Therefore I agree that one shouldn’t be judged solely by their appearance and Holy Parcel’s contribution further explains this…

“The most significant item on the cover of a book more often than not, is the Title and not the design. However, what meets the eyes first is the design and not the inscription. Hence, the phrase, don't be disappointed by the outlook, take a peek at the contents, you just might find what it seemingly absent!”

He also said, “…the outlook doesn't necessarily define the content. Gold is never found on the layer of the earth's crust, you have to dig very deep. Take Nigeria for example, the places where Oil is found more often than not are the least expected places. There is an adage in Yoruba that interprets as "A white Pap proceeds out of a Black pot", I'm sure you can decipher.”

However, what if one isn’t patient enough to “take a peek…”? 

Didn’t the Bible say by their fruits, ye shall know them? Is a Christian’s appearance not part of the “fruits” that the world should see and glorify our Father? 

How many unbelievers will be patient to come close enough to realise that we are not what we wear, but much more?

The truth is man judges by sight, only God judges by looking into the heart. This knowledge should guide everything we do and also help us do them with moderation (1 Corinthians 14:40). As Christians we ought to be guided by the Spirit of God in whatever we do because we were made in the Image and likeness of God, hence we reflect Him. (Genesis 1:27). If your appearance contradicts who God is, then you need to check it. (Matthew 5:16)

Also, you do not want unbelievers questioning your salvation or fall into sin resulting from your appearance (1 Corinthians 8:13).

Victor also mentioned another salient reason one can’t do whatever one wants as a Child of God. He said “You are not your own, Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians. That forms the bedrock for what we do. You, therefore, glorify God in your body which is God's”.

Some Christians forget that their body isn’t theirs and they “expose” it to all sort of unhealthy contents that they consume either by sight, listening, speech or dressing, all to satisfy the flesh. One question you need to ask yourself is WHY? Why am I wearing this dress? Why am I walking in this particular way? Why do I talk the way I do around certain people and change when I’m with another?

It hurts me when I see young people do things just because it’s trending on social media or their circle of friends are doing it. That the world is doing it doesn’t make it right! (Proverbs 16:2) You also need to ask yourself if your “appearance” truly depicts “WHO” and “WHOSE” you are.

I love how Holy Parcel puts this, “The way you dress determines the way you are addressed. Do you know if the President of this Country should be found in Oshodi without the necessary aides, but with suit and tie carrying a briefcase and rushing to catch up with a BRT, people will doubt it's truly him, they'll say it's his look-alike. Why? Cos his appearance doesn't really portray his known identity. Moreover, I think the phrase came into existence in modern times, in the era of Interviews and Social Functions.”

Yes! This is absolutely correct. Appearance speaks volume about one’s personality and it attracts things and people to one’s life.

Some years back; before I gave my life to Christ, I took pleasure in wearing outfits that exposed parts of my body that should be covered and looking back now, I fully understand why I attracted the kind of men I did back then. They all wanted to have a feel of what they were seeing.

I didn’t know WHO or WHOSE I am then, but as a growing Child of God, I know that my body is God’s temple and should be treated with utmost sacredness. It shouldn’t be adorned to please men, neither should I listen to nor watch content that will pollute this Holy Temple (my body).

I read somewhere that “As Christians, we are Billboards for Christ”. My question is what are people reading off you? Are you what you wear or is your appearance a contrast to who you really are?

Quoting Holy Parcel, “You are not really what you wear literally. But how many people will you have to converse with to describe who you are to them? Many people will walk by you and based on what you wear/your appearance, they will pass judgement on your matter and move along without waiting to hear from you on reasons why some actions were taken. Galatians 2:14 had Paul accusing Peter without even waiting to ask Peter why he did what he did...if at all there is a cogent and valid reason. My dear, so you see, in a way, you are what you wear...to People, not necessarily to yourself. Only you know your worth, but to make us know your worth, you have to prove it to us. One of such ways you do that is in what you wear.”

Truthfully, what we do is a reflection of who we are on the inside (Matthew 7:20).

One of the people who commented on the previous post, Uche, also said “If the container is poorly produced, what’s the certainty that the content is not haphazardly concocted. Everything has to do with how well the content is presented”.
As much as I would love to say so much on this topic, I will say less so you can digest what has been said already and I trust the Spirit of God to say much more than I have written here and hopefully make you rid your wardrobe, circle of friends and mobile phone (including other channels through which your mind, body and Spirit is being polluted) of the things that defile you.

I summarise with this, let your moderation be known to all men. As a Christian you are really not what you “wear”, but for the sake of others (unbelievers), you have to watch what you wear. You just might be the Bible someone out there is reading, do not be the reason such individual end up believing amiss.

I am not a Muslim, but how will people know I am for Jesus Christ if I go around dressed in a Hijab?

Chichi Ogbonnaya


  1. The last paragraph makes everything clear.
    However, let me share this story. There was a man who was going on a journey and found two unknown persons on the road inquired direction from.
    The first man was not looking too good outwardly, almost looking like armed robber, but told him not to take the free express road but the bush path..... While he was contemplating on the opinion of the first man, he met the second, who was properly dressed and was looking more like a Professor. This second man spoke very polished English that will not give you any reason to doubt what he said. He advised the man on the journey, to use the express that it is "safer".
    I am sure from the story above, most of us, if not everyone, will want to go with the advice of the man looking like a Professor because looks and sound convincing.....
    But let me tell you what most of us don't bother to when we meet people and just judge or conclude on who/what they are from what we can see or like some of us will say, "what they make us see".
    The man who was not looking too good outwardly, use to be a robber who use operates on that same express road, before he became born-again. For the previous reason, he still has his looks before he became born-again. So you are likely to still see him in the former light... Which is wrong. Now, let me tell you the real thing. Since he was armed robber before now, he knew very well that the bush path is safe because the robbers who usually hide in the bush will be scared to attack anyone who chooses to use the bush path instead of the express Road, for he might be one of them too or stronger.
    So my point, as much as it is clear that Christians need to dress well and moderate.... That being not debatable, we should learn to look beyond the outward appearance before we miss out on something very important.
    Before I conclude, I will like to that for those who think they can wear anything, my answer is NO. God will not stop loving you because did the wrong things but you will not make other see a reason to glorify God in your life. Paul said that there is nothing wrong with eating meats offered to idols but for the sake of your neighbours who might not understand or might get it wrong, avoid it. And those who are busy looking at people's appearances to judge them, be careful, for you might just miss out on something very important by doing that.

    God loves me and I love and that's the way it should be. Don't condemn anyone, don't condemn yourself or accept condemnation from anyone. God loves you and everything is alright.

    1. Thanks for your insightful contribution dear IK Obabor

  2. I like the last statement... "I am not a Muslim but how will people know I am for Jesus Christ if I go around dressed in a Hijab?" for me, we are the Bible people read and we ought to preach Jesus through our character/appearance ..I know Paul said he had to behave like the Romans when he was in Rome, so he could preach the gospel of Christ.. But it boils down to wisdom. I feel you can't go to preach in a brothel dressed like an SU(with your ears all covered and a long flowing skirt) cos I doubt the people there would want to listen cos they could just say "these SU people don come again"..but you could dress in a trouser and a t.shirt, that could make them not conclude about you and could make them give you a listening ear so then you could preach to them with the wisdom God gives you... Bottomline is apply wisdom in all you do so you don't cause someone to fall... God bless!

    1. Very well said dear Precious. Thank you for always reading and contributing

  3. Ask the missionaries how the penetrate core Muslim nations. They will tell you that dressing and general how you are perceived is very integral in the work of missions and evangelism...

    1. Hmmmm, I see your point dear Ifeanyi. However, I will like you to understand the perspective from which this article was written. The point amount missionaries is totally understandable, but a christian who walks the street baring it all isn't going to win anyone to Christ that way. She will only attract men who are interested in what they can see.
