Wednesday 9 September 2020


You might have to read my previous article on this discourse to appreciate this concluding part.

I shared my thoughts on why a beautiful and sensible Abigail married Nabal, even though she was discerning enough to appreciate and admire a man like David.

I also mentioned in the previous article how I see relational issues in various stories of the Bible (at least the ones I have read so far), I guess someday, I just might be a certified Relationship Coach. Lol!

Yes, I was happy to finally find my “why” in relation to Abigail and Nabal, but more exciting for me was what the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to in that same situation.

As it relates to a man and a woman, I believed Abigail’s response was a display of her low self-esteem.

However, the flip side to it is this…

Abigail here is a representation of you and I, Nabal being our Before Christ Life.

Now imagine David as Christ extending a “marriage” invitation to us (Abigail), despite our past sinful life. How would you react to this?

Christ in His awesomeness, Excellency, and Holiness, asking a filthy sinner to dine with Him? I doubt such individual will ever feel worthy of the invitation.

Personally, I will humbly and hurriedly offer to be the waitress on such occasion while the King of Glory dines with anyone else, but me.

David’s marriage proposal to Abigail through his servants, is synonymous to God’s invitation to us to come into His Kingdom through His Son Jesus Christ. This invitation is a product of Grace and Mercy not by anything we can ever do… We can never merit it!

God’s grace, mercy and love will humble anyone who encounters them.

When the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to this flip side, my heart leapt for joy. I had a light bulb moment, as I understood better why Abigail responded the way she did to David’s request.

I have a friend who wonders why I cry during intense worship and I still cannot express the reason I do in words. One thing I know is this, I OFTEN reflect deeply on where and how I used to be before Christ came to my rescue and how much He has changed me. This moment of deep reflection overwhelms me, and my tears are the best way I can express my gratitude.

As an individual who has been forgiven of SO MUCH, I understand why Mary broke an Alabaster box, washed His feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. The love of God humbles you and stirs something up inside of you to give Him your all and BEST hurriedly.

It is the same way you want to go all out for the man or woman you truly love. You do not mind being ‘spent’, just to prove how much you love them. Like the saying goes, “Love can make you do “foolish” things.”

The amazing part is this, we can NEVER outlove Him! He loved us first and can never stop loving us. NOTHING can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35-39).

Like David to Abigail, God is constantly stretching His loving arms towards us and for as many who would humble themselves and accept this life transforming invite, they will never know a better yesterday.

He is extending this invite to you today, will you let go of your past and humbly accept His invitation?


In case you are yet to accept His invite or simply want to start afresh with Him, kindly say this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I believe you died for me too

And I believe you rose from the dead.

I invite you into my heart today,

I acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour.

I believe I am forgiven and loved by You.

Thank you for saving me.




“O pe o!” An Expression in Yoruba Language to express that one is fortunate to have received a kind gesture; especially when one was not expecting such.


The first time I read the story of Abigail and Nabal, I could not stop thinking about why a Beautiful and Sensible woman would marry a fool. I mean, why? What happened? Was Nabal the ONLY man available? Was she forced into the marriage or betrothed as a child? Or was it just a situation of I-am-getting-old-let-me-sha-marry-sha.

These questions were years ago though and I somehow gave up. Interestingly, I recently read that part of the Bible and as I read through that Chapter again, I got an aha! Moment. Finally! I found it!

If you have been following me closely for a while, then my interest in relationships is not a surprise to you, but if it is your first time here…. Hello! Nice to meet you too.

I love relationships! Healthy, mutually beneficial, and sustainable relationships. I love LOVE. I am an advocate for healthy relationships and doing it in accordance with God’s precepts.

This interest of mine is evident in almost all I do, including when I study the Bible. I don’t know if it’s just me or you have experienced this, but I strongly believe that God relates with and reveals things to us based on our interests, what He wants us to see, learn, know and act on per time (life’s season) and they are usually connected to our assignment (purpose) here on earth.

The Bible is one fail-safe channel through which He constantly reveals these things to us. PLEASE READ YOUR BIBLE!

Back to my story, in recent times, each time I study the Bible, I usually see relationship issues and can literally preach a relationship sermon from the different books of the Bible that I have read so far. I guess you understand my curiosity about why an Abigail would settle for a Nabal.

 I counsel young individuals and one thing I tell the single ones amongst them is this, “God’s desire for you is the best and SETTLING IS NOT AN OPTION!”

Abigail clearly settled. In case you are wondering how I know this for sure, kindly read through 1 Samuel Chapter 25 and pay attention to verses 39-41.

David had heard the news about Nabal’s death and sent his servants (on his behalf) to ask Abigail’s hand in marriage and on accepting, she was to return with the servant.

Abigail’s response in verse 41 was all I needed to know she settled for a Nabal. While I saw a humble, respectful, and down-to-earth woman in this verse, one who revered an honourable and anointed man – David, even in absentia. I also saw an insecure woman, hence, my conclusion on her settling for Nabal, despite all her quality character traits and personality.

Abigail, in my opinion, though being a Beautiful and Sensible woman, had insecurities AKA Low self-esteem. She was uncertain, had anxiety and lacked confidence in herself.

To explain further, I say this because Abigail, who was able to discern David as an ideal MAN, did not think she was worthy to be his bride.

You see, as believers, we can be tongue speaking, demon binding and Bible reading, yet still feel unqualified for the things Christ paid for us through His Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection.

Now, while we can NEVER be qualified for the Grace and Mercy we enjoy in God through Christ, the beautiful human and materials gifts are for our enjoyment. They are the OTHER THINGS added to us for seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). However, some believers still work around with an impoverished mindset, begging and slaving for or simply feeling undeserving of what is rightfully theirs as Sons and Daughters of God. This was Abigail’s case (in my opinion) when she gave her response in verse 41.

After settling for a Nabal and becoming a widow, she probably gave up any hope of having a beautiful life and David’s proposal was an “O pe o!” moment for her.

Low self-esteem is a killer! Insecurity keeps you in bondage from living up to the fullness of your God-given potentials. The cure to this is SELF-AWARENESS.

Self-awareness boosts your confidence as an individual. Self-awareness, in my opinion, is not a feeling of superiority; but it is knowing your strengths and weaknesses and mastering them well enough to help you go through life with a “can-do” attitude. Being self-aware helps you stand unwavering in your convictions in places where others will settle easily. - A-FORCE-TO-RECKON-WITH 

Self-awareness is knowing Who and Whose you are. It helps you negotiate from a place of understanding in relationships as opposed to settling for less than you deserve.

If Abigail understood this, just maybe, she would not have been with a Nabal in the first place. If she were self-aware, maybe her response to David’s request would have been more “dignifying”. If she were confident in herself, she would have understood that being a widow didn’t mean she was insignificant, but a woman of worth who had substance that would be valuable to any man wise enough to ask her hand in marriage.

If you are still reading, know that you are a JEWEL OF INESTIMABLE VALUE (Male or female). You are God’s Masterpiece and a gift to this world. Regardless of where you are, what has happened to you or where you have been, there is value in you.

A 100 dollar note, regardless of how many times you trample on it, is valuable anywhere in the world.

You have been created in God’s image, you are beautiful and made righteous in Christ. Never think less of yourself. You deserve the VERY best in life and that’s exactly what God has available for you, you only need to see yourself the way He sees you.

Your past is in the past! Christ died for your past, present and future, so even if you were a commercial sex worker, drug addict, alcoholic, fornicator, single parent and worst sinner alive, understand that in Christ, you are BRAND NEW and you deserve the BEST regardless of your history. Christ’s blood cleansed your past and gave you an irrevocable lease to start life anew.

Do not be a sensible and good-looking believing individual with low self-esteem, you will only make poor choices at the end of the day and settle for less. Confidence in God, and yourself will help you make good choices to stay forward-thinking and optimistic even amid difficulties.

In case you are yet to meet Him or simply want to start afresh with Him, kindly say this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I believe you died for me too

And I believe you rose from the dead.

I invite you into my heart today,

I acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour.

I believe I am forgiven and loved by You.

Thank you for saving me.



I got a flip-side
to this story… To read, click here.