Thursday 22 September 2016


At the close of service that day, some people had commended how beautiful I looked in my red attire.

Mrs. Megope
Few minutes after I stepped out of the auditorium, I walked up to a woman for “Famzing” and also tap into the Grace and Anointing upon her life. She’s popular for selling moin moin (Bean Cake) and was recently invited to serve that same bean cake at the White House. From her testimony, First Lady Michelle Obama ate her sumptuous moin moin alongside other powerful dignitaries and delegates from different countries that were also present at the Gala.

When I got close enough, I said “good afternoon ma” and with a welcoming smile she replied “good afternoon darling! You look really pretty in your outfit. Aren’t you the lady who just got married?” Although I responded with, “I’m not the one ma” but I immediately concluded by saying “but I receive it in Jesus name”. Because I am from the School of Thought that says, “We call things that are not as though they are”. After a quick selfie with her and “tapping of anointing”, we said our goodbyes and I left for a meeting.

The pretty Sisters
No sooner than I left the woman, I met two other sisters taking selfies and I asked if I could join them and one of them was like “ah! A whole celeb like you? I will gladly take a picture with you o!” and we did take the picture that ended up looking really hot with all of us looking like celebs. I turned on my Bluetooth and in split seconds, I had the picture in my gallery.

So I put up a post on Fa
cebook attaching one of the pictures we took (my selfie) and declaring the future I see. Over 50 people liked the picture and two people commented. But a comment from a former colleague and friend inspired this article.
Kayode and I had worked briefly several years ago, but I never thought we were close enough for him to make such comment about the post.

The pleasantries that day didn’t only make me feel good about myself; it gave my confidence a boost and sent me down memory lane.

You see, I used to be that girl who nobody really liked; I was only liked by those who wanted to/took advantage of me. Who would like me anyway? I didn’t even like myself.

Each time I looked in the mirror all I saw was a shattered, broken, lost, confused, FOOLISH and purposeless teenage girl. I was too naïve and my vulnerability led to so many wrong choices. I sought for love in place where it didn’t exist. I sought comfort in places where hopelessness was the only solace they had. I didn’t know WHO/WHOSE I AM.

I didn’t know my PURPOSE so I was open to several abuses.

I was too invisible to see myself, but the devil could see me and he tried to stop “the celeb” everyone now compliments. And because I didn’t see me, I thought the world couldn’t see me too. I took to different disruptive vices just to be “seen.” The world saw me, and soon I thought I saw me too, but who really sees in DARKNESS?

Imagine when PHCN seizes power in your home, be honest… do you really see anything clearly? Your answer is as good as mine. One probably sees, but certainly NOT clearly.

I was jolted out of my reverie when I remembered 2 Corinthians 5:17-20. While I was looking for different translations, I fell completely in love with the description the Message Bible gave. See for yourself.
Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you.
The WORK in progress
My dear, no man encounters the Great Love of Jesus Christ and remains the same. He changes them completely, so much that people can’t see traces of their past. I tell you the truth, a man who meets with Jesus Christ can’t feel like his past. There are possibilities he will find it hard to believe he was actually that “FOOLISH”. You feel so much NEWNESS from within and full of WISDOM too.

Each time I look in the mirror, I am amazed at how changed I am. My late mum couldn’t stop thanking God for the TRANSFORMATION. My siblings and friends at different occasions had testimonies about how God has transformed me. I am a SURPRISE, even to myself.

There are no traces of that NAÏVE girl anymore. I behold a CONFIDENT, INTELLIGENT, FOCUSED, STRONG-WILLED, DISCIPLINED, SUCCESSFUL, WEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL, and PASSIONATE young woman who is head-over-heels in love with her Maker and unperturbed about whether the “world” SEES her or not because she now sees herself CLEARLY in the eyes of the ONE who matters most .

God is the only one WATCHING so you don’t dash your foot against a stone (make mistakes) and even when you do His love covers you. As for the world, they are watching to see when you will dash your foot and fall “yakata” on the ground. Now tell me, who would you rather choose to “SEE” you?

It doesn’t matter how long you have been living in the sin of disobedience, adultery, fornication, idolatry and all the other bad stuffs you think you do. God Loves you and Jesus Christ died for you too. Don’t believe the lies the devil is telling you. Get out of that guilt and embrace God’s love.

If God judges based on sin, then I don’t have any business sharing this with you because I graduated with a 1st Class from the Institute of Sin (well… that’s how I see it) and failed all the “entrance exams” to get into the institute of RIGHTEOUSNESS. But guess what?! Jesus wrote the exams for me (and you) and His blood qualified me to “study” with other Saints.
2 Corinthians 5:17 didn’t say “if any pastor’s child/virgin/churchgoer/never-been-to-club, never-smoked/never-lied/never-had-alcohol/never-stolen boy/girl and all the other “never” be in Christ... It says, “If any man be in Christ…”

That is, ANYBODY; regardless of their PAST, if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour; will have a FRESH start in life. And everyone will SEE this FRESHNESS and will have no choice but to RECKONWITH you (trust me; there will still be few haters. Don’t worry, you actually need them. They are the souls to pray for. Once they come to LIGHT, they can’t but love you too) and celebrate the God in you.

The pleasantries were not as a result of what I wore that day, neither was it the first time one of the two sisters called me a celeb, but I believe strongly that it is the Glory of God they all saw. You can’t be LIGHT and not SHINE, neither can you be the daughter of a KING and not be celebrated. My life changed when I met Christ and people reckon with me because of His Spirit in me. Not because I am beautiful, eloquent, confident or stylish.

I invite you today to join this celebrated family of God. From the passage I cited, God already loved you and He is already friends with you. Why have are you still refusing His hand of friendship? There is nothing you have done that can separate you from the love He has for you. Quit listening to that guilty voice, that’s the devil. His trademark is condemn, accuse you continuously and distract you from seeing the light of God’s UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for you.

Take that bold step today, I did in 2010 and I have been living a guilt-free life ever since.

If you are ready to take His hand of friendship and walk in His love, say this short prayer wherever you are...

Lord Jesus,
I believe you died for my sins and rose on again.
I pray that You forgive my sins,
Wash me with Your blood,
Come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour.
Thank You Lord for saving me.

Thank you for reading. God bless you!

Chichi Ogbonnaya

Let your light shine 


  1. It's hard to find someone especially a woman in this era speaking boldly about her shattered past life just to make a common sense of change to her listeners. Baby, you are truly a force to reckon with. Keep sharing these stories. I see them changing lives tremendously. The world is waiting for you to speak.

    1. Seyi! I guess you understand why I developed an interest in that young woman from Facebook now.
      Thanks for always reading dear. More boldness l ask from God and don't stop praying for me.

  2. May God give you more wisdom, boldness and grace to lead people to him. God bless you baby. Love you always!

  3. I'm always amazed when I read any piece you write. It shows an intelligent and sound mind that's committed to seeing others escape the various traps on their way to total self discovery.

    Like I always say OCB, you're going somewhere to happen, nay, you're already happening!

    Cheers dear.

    1. Thank you Supervisor Olumide. Thank you for having confidence in that little girl on the street of new garage. Bless you Sir.

  4. You've not seen anything yet. This is just an introduction into that glorious destiny that God himself has packaged for you. Just keep following him and every good thing will follow you. You're blessed
